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Monday, October 19, 2015

Danny's Farm 2nd Grade Fieldtrip

Here we are ready to go!

It"s good to sit with friends.

Ms. Liz and Yesenia

We are so excited!

Josiah and his mom.

It's fun to eat outside for lunch!

Alex and his mom.

Mr. Penate gives Danny's Farm a thumbs-up!

All us kids!

Room 6 students and their Chaperones!

Thank you so much Mrs. Recendez for taking us to Danny's Farm. 
We are ready to pet the animals!

Acacia, Yesenia and their new goat friend!

That's an enormous puzzle!

LeMar and Kyan think learning is fun!

Awww, a pony.


The hay maze!

Who is that peeking out?

It was Alex and Summer!

I'm lost in the rectangles!

Corn Maze this way!

Looks kinda spooky!

A corn highway

Our 2nd grade friends!

Great pic Mrs. Recendez!

The corn maze was really popping!

The Petting Zoo Story
Captions by Acacia and Kya

These goats like hay!

Acacia thinks the goat is adorable.

500 strokes to the goat.

Eat goat, eat.

Cheryl made a friend.

Baaah, I like climbing.

Come on, come on, little goat.

Let's pose.

Mmmmm,  I don't want to pose, I want to eat hay.

I'll help, suggested Alex.

Acacia 's friend Cupcake, is back.

Hi Charli. Hi, Jose.

Oh no, he's licking my skin.

What time is it?

Infinity and beyond!

What pumpkin should I pick?

The pumpkin family.

Which one should I pick?

Josiah and Cheryl are posing.

Eeeee, I love pumpkins!

Me 2!

Kyan loves it!

Kya said she is glad to be here.

I'm cool!

Totally awesome!

Oh ya!

Josiah's pumpkin scary face!

This is great!


Check out my pumpkin!

This is one of Ms. Mangos' favorite pics from the day!

Summer and her parents

LeMar and his dad

Alexander and his mom

Josiah and his mom

Ms. Liz and Yesenia

The pumpkin family finds a seat for the ride home.

You know it was a good field trip if the kids fall asleep on the way back!

Thank you Danny's Farm!

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